Meet LadyBack Denitza Koleva

This is interesting…Since we all had to write in this journal, I was not very happy that I had this week to do it. Some people might look back, and they will say, " What an awful weekend for the LadyBack volleyball team!" That is honestly what I thought to myself at first, but now that I have had some time to think about it, I realized two things that it seemed to me that I had forgotten. First of all, on Friday night I got reminded how great everyone on this team is. Everyone fought so hard, and I think we played our hearts out. The other interesting fact I discovered was that volleyball is a team sport…News Flash! I am so glad that I am only a sophomore because I get to play on this amazing team for two more years! Well, that’s all from me!

p.s It's practice time! Got to go make myself better!