A look behind the scenes with the Gym'Backs


Sam and Emily at LSU

HIGH SCORES FOR EMILY (current season):BARS- 9.875 BEAM- 9.825 FLOOR- 9.90

This past Saturday we were able to participate in the National Women and Girls in Sport event. Every year over a hundred girls scouts come to play and learn different sports with the Lady’Backs. The GymBacks are always excited to share a bit of our knowledge with active, enthusiastic young girls. This year the team was divided up into groups for each event. The girls circulated the gym, practicing bars, beam, floor, tramp and tumble trak. We are always really excited to coach little girls. We have been coached all our lives and it is always really fun to try it out on our own.

Seeing all the bright young faces reminds us the passion that we still have for our sport. It’s also nice to see the excitement the girls get from being coached by a Lady’Back! I can remember participating in an event like this when I was little, and I was so motivated and inspired anytime I could work with someone famous! Like every year, this one proved to be successful! There were tons of active and excited girls who put smiles on our faces. We can’t wait for the next year when a new bunch of girls eagerly step inside our gym ready to learn what we love to do!