Help Arkansas Gymnastics with Spirit Day

We’ve got spirit, yes we do. We’ve got spirit, how ’bout you?

The 2009 gymnastics season is just around the corner and the Arkansas Razorbacks are hard at work preparing. But they need your help.

Workouts are long and the preseason seems endless. To break up the monotony, the team has weekly "Spirit Days" on several Fridays of each month.

This year, the Gym’Backs invite you, the fans, to get involved. Help the Razorbacks decide what their next spirit day will be by voting on the poll question.

Votes will be counted and a story will post on revealing what kind of Spirit Day you, the fans, have chosen. Return to

Don’t wait another minute! Vote now. The deadline is Friday, Oct. 31. That will give us some time to tabulate the votes and get ready for Friday November 7.

This month’s choices are:

1. Nerd Day

2. 80s Day

3. Celebrity Look-a-Like Day

4. Cowboy Day

5. Cartoon Day

Vote for your choice by emailing:

Got an idea for your own spirit day? Send it to us today!

Go Hogs! (the team is celebrating "Goth Day" in the photo)